This presentation has been prepared by Anesis Management AG (“Anesis”), a consultancy firm based in Liechtenstein.
The presentation is for informational purposes only and is provided on a confidential basis as part of Anesis’ pre-marketing activities to a selected number of institutional and experienced investors (the “Recipients”) to provide certain information about Anesis.
The presentation is made available exclusively to well-informed investors who also qualify as professional investors. Any Recipient not authorized to receive this presentation should promptly return it to Anesis. Any reproduction or distribution of this presentation, in whole or in part, or the disclosure of its contents to any person other than the Recipient’s advisors, is prohibited without the prior written consent of Anesis. All Recipients agree to treat as confidential all information contained herein that is not already publicly available.
This presentation is intended as a summary of Anesis and not as a complete description thereof and may be updated, revised, and/or amended. This presentation is provided as a document within the scope of Anesis’ pre-marketing activities to interested and eligible Recipients. Accordingly, this presentation is not intended to constitute or be construed as an offer, solicitation of an offer, or any other placement aimed at potential investors to invest.
In this context, the Recipient acknowledges that this presentation is not intended to (i) enable potential investors to commit to acquiring shares in Anesis, (ii) constitute a subscription form or similar document, or (iii) serve as a (draft) constitutional document, prospectus, or offering memorandum. By accepting this presentation, each Recipient agrees to the foregoing.
Copyright © Anesis Management AG 2024